St. Croix Central School District is currently hiring bus drivers for the 2022-23 school year. For more information, please contact Bus Garage Supervisor, Brian Pedersen.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
June 2022 School Bus Driver Job Posting
St. Croix Central School District is currently hiring for the 2022-23 school year. Details can be found on WECAN at
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
June 2022 Support Staff Job Posting
St. Croix Central School District is currently hiring for the 2022-23 school year. Details can be found on WECAN at
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
June 2022 Certified Staff Job Posting
Signing the 8th grade mural on the last day of middle school for the class of 2026.
about 2 years ago, Carri DuMond
8th grade mural crew
As part of the gifted & talented event on Tuesday, students also received a lesson on glass and windows. Thank you, Bryan Kofal, for taking time out of your day to present to our students about windows and career options available to them!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Gifted & Talented - Bryan Kofal
Gifted & Talented - Bryan Kofal
Gifted & Talented - Bryan Kofal
Gifted & Talented - Bryan Kofal
During the DNA experiment at the Gifted & Talented event on Tuesday, the students used their collected saliva and made some additions to "find" the DNA. There were a few very successful experiments. Great work, Autumn & students!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
On Tuesday, Gifted & Talented teacher, Autumn Voigt, treated students to an event where they could learn about career options and do some fun hands on learning. During one of these presentations, the students studied DNA. The first steps involved collecting saliva in salt water.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
DNA Experiment - Gifted & Talented
5th graders recently completed the CounterAct program to learn how to resist or oppose negative temptations in life relating to drugs, alcohol and violence. Congratulations, 5th graders, and sending best retirement wishes to Officer Coltrain!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
5th graders have been busy doing community service! They completed projects of their choice, and the world is surely a brighter place because of their work! Many people and the environment are happier! 5th graders raised over $900 for charities!! Impressive work, 5th graders!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
5th Grade Community Service
The class of 2022 was busy this morning practicing for their graduation ceremony tonight. Just a reminder that the ceremony begins at 7:00 p.m. and will be live streamed here:
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Graduation Rehearsal
Graduation Rehearsal
Graduation Rehearsal
Graduation Rehearsal
7th Grade Band did an awesome job at the Beyond The Notes Music Festival at the Kalahari yesterday! They received feedback and worked with several college professors, watched other groups perform, and had a blast in the waterpark. Way to represent SCC!
about 2 years ago, Benjamin Helmrick
Dr. Haberman from Concordia College working with the students in a clinic.
Dr. Haberman from Concordia College working with the students in a clinic.
Program for the performance.
On Friday afternoon, school district employees met to honor some of our amazing staff. Those with years of service anniversaries were recognized. A special thank you to Gary Larson for an amazing 30 years of service to the district!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Service Anniversary - Gary Larson
Service Anniversary - Gary Larson
On Friday afternoon, school district employees met to honor some of our amazing staff. Those with years of service anniversaries were recognized. Thanks to all of you for your continuing dedication to the district. Those with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years were all recognized.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Service Anniversary - 5 years
Service Anniversary - 10 years
Service Anniversary - 15 years
Service Anniversary - 25 years
On Friday afternoon, school district staff met to honor some very important individuals. Some of these included those staff who will be retiring this year. Included in those who were recognized were: Lori Sather, Pam Stave, Tammy Simonson, Kirk Lyksett & Bill Emery.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Retirement - Bill Emery
Retirement - Kirk Lyksett
Retirement - Tammy Simonson
On Friday afternoon, school district staff met to honor some very important individuals. Some of these included those staff who will be retiring this year. Included in those who were recognized were: Lori Sather, Pam Stave, Tammy Simonson, Kirk Lyksett & Bill Emery.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Retirement/Anniversary Event
Retirement - Pam Stave
Retirement - Lori Sather
Check out the great art that is displayed at the High School Auditorium! Amazing job middle school artists!
about 2 years ago, Carri DuMond
Middle school art showcase 2022
Middle school art showcase 2022
Middle school art showcase 2022
Middle school art showcase 2022
The 8th grade mural is almost ready to be signed by the class of 2026! These are just a few of the amazing artists. This last 4 years have been such a joy with this group of creative kids. Final pictures to follow, but it is too exciting to wait to share!
about 2 years ago, Carri DuMond
Olivia, Logan, Myah, Varah, Carter and Frida getting some details on the mural
Peyton and Taylor working hard!
Carter spending quality time with Frida Doghlo.
Varah measuring and lining things up
Please join us at the middle school for our ALIVE Dinner & Concert fundraiser on Thursday, May 19th starting at 4:30.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
ALIVE Dinner & Concert
SCC Volleyball with the cereal that they will be donating to the Roberts Food Shelf. Thank you to everyone that donated! Also, thank you to the girls on the team for organizing this food drive for such a worthwhile cause!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Volleyball Cereal Drive
Reminder that today is the final day for cereal donations at the middle school. Thank you to anyone that has donated!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Volleyball Cereal Drive