St. Croix Central would like to welcome and introduce the new faces that you will see in our buildings this fall! Please help us welcome Mrs. Leckey who will be joining the district as an administrative assistant at the elementary school.
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
New Staff 2023-24 Leckey
St. Croix Central would like to welcome and introduce the new faces that you will see in our buildings this fall! Please help us welcome Ms. Summerfield who will be joining the district as a special education teacher at the high school.
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
New Staff 2023-24
St. Croix Central would like to welcome and introduce the new faces that you will see in our buildings this fall! Please help us welcome Mrs. Fehrman who will be joining the district as a special education teacher at the elementary school.
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
New Staff 2023-24 Fehrman
St. Croix Central would like to welcome and introduce the new faces that you will see in our buildings this fall! Please help us welcome Mr. Dachel who will be joining the district in 4th Grade at the elementary school.
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
New Staff 2023-24 Dachel
Betty Johnson, representing Trinity Lutheran Church in Hammond, presented Superintendent Widiker with a donation of $3600 to go towards the school district's mental health program at last Wednesday's School Board Meeting. Thank you for your generous donation Trinity Lutheran!
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Trinity Lutheran -Mental Health Program Donation
Trinity Lutheran - Mental Health Program Donation
Thank you to Culver's for your continued partnership with the SCC Middle School! Our Spring Share Night proceeds have been added to our fund to be used towards a new piece of playground equipment at the Middle School. Thank you!!
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Culver's Thank You - Spring Share Night
Exciting work continues on the front of the high school building as well with the St. Croix Virtual Academy addition and improvements to parking and traffic flow.
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Virtual Academy Addition - July 12, 2023
Virtual Academy Addition - July 12, 2023
HS Parking Lot - July 12, 2023
HS Parking Lot - July 12, 2023
And that's a wrap on our June session of Summer School! Our last day of summer school was June 29th. We hope all of our students are enjoying their summer! We will see those of you who are signed up for swimming lessons back starting on July 17th!
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Last Day of Summer School 2023
Last Day of Summer School 2023
Last Day of Summer School 2023
Last Day of Summer School 2023
Construction crews have been working hard on demolition on the high school parking lot since the start of summer break in preparation for the parking lot expansion and high school additions.
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
HS Parking Lot Demo
HS Parking Lot Demo
HS Parking Lot Demo
St. Croix Central School District would like to thank our SCC Food for Kids Backpack Program supporters for their generous donations during the 2022-2023 school year. We could not offer this program without your support!
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
2022-23 Backpack Program Donations
SCC 7th & 8th grade Service Learning students need your help! Some Hammond residents received a bag/flier on Thursday, June 8th. Please consider donating whether you have a bag or not. Service learners will be blanketing Hammond June 22nd to pick up donated items. Please set your donation on your front step labeled “SCC” & students will gladly pick them up! Please help US help OTHERS!
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
SCC Service Learning Food Drive
SCC Service Learning Food Drive
SCC Summer Running begins tomorrow morning, join us at the high school for some summer conditioning!
over 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
SCC Summer Reading
Today we will also be honoring some very special SCC staff as they begin (or have already begun) their retirement. Thank you for the years that you spent with the district. We wish you much enjoyment of your retirement years. May you enjoy many happy & healthy years to come!
almost 2 years ago, St. Croix Central
2023 Retirees
Today, we will meet to honor those staff members with years of service milestones. We thank you all for your dedication and loyalty to the St. Croix Central School District, our students and our community. We hope to continue with these partnerships well into the future.
almost 2 years ago, St. Croix Central
2023 Anniversaries
Congratulations to the 8th grade who signed their class mural yesterday before promoting to 9th grade! The artists did amazing work!
almost 2 years ago, Carri DuMond
Signing the mural
Signing the mural
Signing the mural
Signing the mural
Signing the mural
Signing the mural
Signing the mural
St. Croix Central School District is now hiring for a Head High School Administrative Assistant. Please apply via WECAN at
almost 2 years ago, St. Croix Central
Now Hiring - High School Administrative Assistant
Reminder that there will be no school on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. We will see you all back at school on Tuesday to finish out a wonderful 2022-2023 school year!!
almost 2 years ago, St. Croix Central
Memorial Day
Fifth graders completed a variety of community service projects to make the world around us a better place! Many incredible projects happened! Way to go, 5th graders!!
almost 2 years ago, St. Croix Central
5th Grade Community Service Projects
Please join us in congratulating class of 2023 graduates Zachary & Brian on their accomplishments! We wish the best for all of you in your future endeavors!
almost 2 years ago, St. Croix Central
Athletics on May 25th
almost 2 years ago, St. Croix Central
Athletics on May 25th