Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support SCC Graduation Party. Come in to the Chipotle at 1021 Pearson Drive in Hudson on Saturday, January 26th between 5:00pm and 9:00pm. Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds will be donated to SCC Graduation Party. #sccspirit
over 5 years ago, SCC Website Manager
chipotle fundraiser jan 26
Mrs. Rozeboom’s Small Animal Vet classes recently learned several suturing techniques using bananas as their “patients”.
over 5 years ago, Gretchen Rozeboom
9th-12th grade students: Please join Student Senate and Pit Crew to have some food and fun after semester finals are done!
over 5 years ago, Tracy Klein
Student Senate and Pit Crew's Snow Ball Dance
Students in AP Physics completed in the annual Physics Photo Contest. They all took interesting pictures that depicted a physics concept and included a brief description. The top 3 finishers were Mackenzie Emery (1st), Will Soderberg (2nd), and Hank Berger (3rd)!
over 5 years ago, Logan Kimberly
Physics Photo Contest Winners
2018 Physics Photo Contest
Students in Ms. Hawkins' Foods 2 course designed gingerbread houses. Each house was displayed and voted on by the high school students and staff.
over 5 years ago, Courtney Hawkins
1st Place
2nd Place
Ms. Hawkins' ACCT students went to visit the 4K classroom to share their original children's book and coordinate an activity with their buddies.
over 5 years ago, Courtney Hawkins
Are your pockets big enough to hold 4,000 books? Find out the answer to this questions here: #sccspirit #books #reading
over 5 years ago, Amanda Olson
can you carry around 4000 books
High Schools Students and Staff participated in the annual Chopped Competition on our fun afternoon before the Holiday Break. Pictured are our top two teams!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Fern
Our top two teams!
Ms. Wollberg's Spanish Class is in the Holiday Spirit traveling to different classrooms singing Feliz Navidad.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Fern
Ms. Wollberg's Spanish Class is in the Holiday Spirit traveling to different classrooms singing Feliz Navidad.
Congratulations to the winners of the annual NaNoWriMo Short Story Contest! Every November, the library runs a short story contest as a small part of National Novel Writing Month. This year we got some very creative entries. After much deliberation the winners are Griffin, Jeremiah, and Emily who all submitted well-crafted, engaging stories. We are very proud of all the students that entered. You can read all the stories by visiting:
over 5 years ago, Amanda Olson
short story contest winners
Contemporary Literature seniors were able to attend KS95’s Clouds Choir 2018 at the Mall of America, celebrating Stillwater native Zach Sobiech’s life.
over 5 years ago, Heather Jourdeans
Clouds Choir
Clouds Choir
The High School Store (located in the High School Commons) will be open Monday and Wednesday evening from 5:00-7:00 pm. Adult and Youth sizes available. 10% off total purchase! All profits go back to the students of SCC. #sccspirit
over 5 years ago, Tracie Crowley
various merchandise
Find out about the great FLIX databases we have available by reading Ms. Olson's Panthers In Library Land post for this week!
over 5 years ago, Amanda Olson
flix with an i
The school store has NEW merchandise and will be open tonight from 6:00-8:00 pm! Hoodies, Long Sleeve, Caps, Joggers, and much more. Adult and Youth sizes available #SCCSpirit
over 5 years ago, Tracie Crowley
1/4 Zip
Today the upper level German students went to a German inspired Christkindlmarkt in St Paul. There they got to eat authentic German food and buy presents imported from Germany and other European countries!
over 5 years ago, Arianna Wirebaugh
Students with St. Nicklaus and their German teacher
Students at a German Christmas store looking at ornaments
Students shopping at a German import stand
Check out these amazing raffle items that will be available before the concerts tonight! Proceeds benefit ALIVE. #sccspirit
over 5 years ago, SCC Website Manager
Students in Mrs. Rozeboom’s Small Animal Vet Science class have been learning about, and practicing, various injection techniques.
over 5 years ago, Gretchen Rozeboom
Grace S.
Grace B.
Mr. Tackmann’s AP Environmental Science class doing a Bubble Survivorship Lab to simulate natural survivorship of animals in our world.
over 5 years ago, John Tackmann
Survivorship Lab
Survivorship Lab
Emma and Xavier helped to carve out their own linoleum printing blocks along with their classmates. All were able to take home a set of hand made printed cards for the holidays!
almost 6 years ago, Carri DuMond
Happy card makers!
High School Students Offering Support Members spent time at the Elementary School hanging out with their buddies before the Thanksgiving Break.
almost 6 years ago, Jeff Fern
High School SOS Members spent time at the Elementary School hanging out with their buddies before the Thanksgiving Break.