Reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences will be hosted from 4:00 to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, October 18 and Thursday, October 20.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
Reminder that tomorrow is a late start at the high school.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Late Start October 12
Exciting things continue to happen at the elementary school as several trees were removed from the adjacent lot this week in preparation of the 4K addition.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Referendum  - Elementary School Addition
Reminder that tomorrow is a late start day at the high school.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Late Start October 5
The Panther Marching Band wraps up a big weekend of shows today! The band performed their show "Next Gen" at Chippewa Falls HS and Hudson HS this weekend and did an amazing job!
almost 2 years ago, Sean Conway
Awesome performance today by the Panther Marching Band to wrap up a big, two show weekend!
Exciting things are happening at the elementary school as the house has been removed to make room for the 4K addition that will be added as part of the referendum!
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
4K Addition - House Demolition
4K Addition - House Demolition
High school yearbook price increases after Oct. 1st to $55. Order now to get the early bird price of $50. Stop in the HS library to get your order form.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Hueg
If you purchased a yearbook last year, make sure to get your spring supplement, which completes the book and is included with the purchase. Stop in the HS office or email with questions.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Hueg
Yearbook spring supplement
*HIGH SCHOOL REMINDER* Tomorrow, September 14 is our 1st Late Start Wednesday of the year at the high school. Report to school by 8:50 for first bell at 8:55.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Late Start September 14
*REMINDER* Tomorrow, September 14 is our 1st Late Start Wednesday of the year. Report to school by 8:50 for first bell at 8:55.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Late Start September 14
Fifth graders are kicking off the school year by creating fractions using Play-Doh. What a fun way to finish out their week, welcome back fifth grade!
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
5th Grade Play-Doh fractions
5th Grade Play-Doh fractions
5th Grade Play-Doh fractions
5th Grade Play-Doh fractions
Late start dates for the 2022-23 school year.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
2022-23 Late Start Dates
2022-23 High School Bell Schedules
Tomorrow is the last day to order a homecoming shirt! Shirts are just $15 and can be worn on class color day. Orders must be turned in to Mrs. Crowley by 3:30. Contact Mrs. Crowley at ext. 1152 or email with questions. #SCCSpirit #SCCHomecoming
almost 2 years ago, Tracie Crowley
Homecoming 2022
Homecoming is right around the corner, and homecoming shirt orders are due by Thursday, September 8th. Shirts are just $15 and can be worn on class color day. Order forms can be picked up in the high school commons starting today. Shirt designs are still in the works and will not be released until after the order deadline. Seniors also have the option of ordering a long sleeve or crewneck sweatshirt. Contact Mrs. Crowley at ext. 1152 or email with questions. #SCCSpirit #SCCHomecoming
about 2 years ago, Tracie Crowley
Don't forget, school starts this week!
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
First Day of School - 2022-23
As part of opening day last week, SCC staff received an update on construction planning for the high school and elementary school additions. If you would like to see the most current plans, you can view the presentation at
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Opening Day - Referendum Update
Opening Day - Referendum Update
Opening Day - Referendum Update
Opening Day - Referendum Update
There will be a Welcome Back Breakfast for SCC FBLA on Thursday, September 8 at 7:30 (Room 105) for current AND future SCC FBLA members! Come and see what FBLA has in store for you! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
about 2 years ago, Tracie Crowley
Wisconsin FBLA
Staff was also treated to an update on the building improvements being planned as a result of the referendum at opening day. Please find a link to updated information from our core planning group meetings on the website at
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Opening Day - Referendum Update
Opening Day - Referendum Update
Opening Day - Referendum Update
Opening Day - Referendum Update
Opening day included keynote speaker Tammy Gibbons from the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators, an annual review for staff by JA Counter and a safety overview from David Skinner.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Opening Day - Key Note Speaker Tammy Gibbons
Opening Day - JA Counter
Opening Day - JA Counter
Opening Day - Safety
Today is opening day for SCC staff. Our staff enjoyed some professional development as they prepare to embark on an exciting new school year. Opening day began with statements from board members Erica Herink and Jeff Redmon regarding their views on the best school in the nation.
about 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Opening Day - Superintendent Widiker
Opening Day - School Board Pres. Herink
Opening Day - School Board Clerk Redmon
Opening Day - Key Note Speaker Tammy Gibbons