SCC schools will have a two hour late start this morning, December 14. There will be no 4K classes. All before school activities are cancelled. Kids Care will also start two hours late.
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Late start December 14
Athletics on December 13th
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Athletic Events on December 13
Reminder that tomorrow, December 14th, is a late start at the high school.
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Late Start December 14
Athletics on December 12th
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Athletics on December 12
SCC Community loses a great one! Jim Anderson was a great community member and a super Softball Coach for the Girls! Many of you remember his grandkids who went through high school recently! This was a quote from one of his softball players. “A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life” -John Wooden Those who were blessed to be coached by Jimmy, would tell you he was a world changer and then some. His impact will be felt for years and years to come. Thank you, Coach. Rest easy.
over 1 year ago, Pete Nusbaum
Athletic Events the weekend of December 9th
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Athletic Events on December 9th & 10th
Yesterday, students in the Futures/Personal Finance class had a crash course in completing an application and interviewing presented by Laura Osterberg from Courtesy Corporation-McDonald's.
over 1 year ago, Tracie Crowley
Laura from Courtesy Corp
Athletic Events on December 8th
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Athletic Events on December 8
Representatives from the Women of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hammond stopped by this morning with donations for the Backpack Program, Holiday Angels & Red Shovel. Thank you so much for your generous support of our programs so that we can continue to offer our best support for our students & community!
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Backpack Program - Donation from Trinity Lutheran Women
Holiday Angels - Donation from Trinity Lutheran Women
Red Shovel - Donation from Trinity Lutheran Women
The 1st & 3rd Grade students will be presenting their Winter Showcase tonight at the High School Auditorium! Please have your students to the high school at least 15 minutes prior to show time.
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
December 6 Winter Showcase - 1st & 3rd Grades
Reminder that tomorrow, December 7th, is a late start at the high school.
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Late Start December 7
Athletic Events on December 6th
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
December 6 Athletics
The 7th grade band & choir concerts will be held in the high school auditorium tonight.
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
7th Grade Band & Choir Winter Concerts
Athletics on December 5th
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Athletics on December 5
Athletic Events on December 2nd & 3rd
over 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Athletic Events December 2nd & 3rd
Athletic Events on December 1st
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Athletic Events on December 1
Congratulations to Carly Cicha for being selected as the November Wisconsin FBLA Student of the Month. Carly was selected from a number of nominations made from chapter advisers and members from around the state. Carly is the vice president of our local chapter. She was instrumental in planning and helping carry out our FBLA week this year. She helped plan the dress up days, daily announcements and came up with small activities for the students to do daily to help us educate students about FBLA. Carly attended WFLC in Eau Claire and is considering running for a State office next year. She always approaches FBLA with a positive attitude and wants to learn and do more in the organization.
almost 2 years ago, Tracie Crowley
Carly Cicha
*SNEAK PEAK* The high school hosted SCC students today for an advance screening of A Christmas Carol-The Musical. Do not forget to get your tickets! The show will take place on Thurs, Fri & Sat.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Important Announcement: SCC will be closing two hours early due to the inclement weather. All after school activities have been cancelled.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Early Out - Inclement Weather Nov. 29
Reminder that tomorrow, November 30th, is a late start at the high school.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Paschke
Late Start November 30