Good afternoon Pantherland, Please see the attached letter for an update based on the recent WIAA decision regarding fall athletics. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Chance Langeness
Announcement for the HS Drama Program:
over 4 years ago, SCC Website Manager
4th Grade Play! Way to go kids!
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
The Show Goes On...Thank you to Ms. Neumann, the 4th Graders and their families for being creative and putting the 4th Grade Play together virtually! People interested in having the link emailed should fill out this form: **"Premier" is June 30th @ 7:00pm
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
2020-21 Central Basketball Association registration now open through July 31, 2020, for boys & girls going into grades 3-8. Go to for more information.
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
Last day to drop off your Chromebook! 12:00-4:00 pm today at the Middle School.
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
To our elementary families and students -- have an amazing summer! We miss you and can't wait to see you in the fall! #pantherstrong
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
To our elementary families and students -- have an amazing summer! We miss you and can't wait to see you in the fall! #pantherstrong
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
Good Day! I am excited to be able to share that we were able to get access to a Viewing of Screenages-Next Chapter. Stress is a complicated and dynamic physical and emotional response a person may have as they interact with their circumstances. It is a subjective experience - what feels stressful on one day may feel easy the next, and what is stressful to one person might not be to another. Furthermore, some amount of stress can be useful and increase productivity, where too much stress can be debilitating. Because of all these factors, identifying, measuring and treating stress can be challenging, but it is important to know that it is possible and necessary to learn how to manage stress. Dear Parents, We hope this guide and movie helps with your talks with your tweens and teens about mental wellness. Consider having short weekly conversations on topics in the film such as stress resilience, emotional agility, and healthy screen habits. To View Screenagers-Next Chapter click the following link: Sincerely, Delaney Ruston, MD & Lisa Tabb Screenagers Next Chapter Resources: There is a great powerpoint (Jonah Tab) in the folder below that will assist you with understanding the purpose of the movie and why we shared it. It will also assist you with understanding major concerns with students and too much exposure to screens!
over 4 years ago, Pete Nusbaum
I am excited to share that we will be sharing and making the Screenagers-NEXT CHAPTER video available for viewing very soon. Movie is about Screen & Teens & Mental Health. A must watch! MOVIE TRAILER:
over 4 years ago, Pete Nusbaum
Chromebook Drop Off - June 4th, 5th, 8th or 9th 12:00pm-6:00pm at the Middle School in Hammond. More info
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
June 4th - Last Drop Off Day at the Elementary School! 10:00-12:00pm front loop. Library books, work, etc. Please stay in car and pull all the way forward.
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
Congratulations to our fourth graders! Good Luck at SCC Middle School next year! #pantherstrong
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
over 4 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
over 4 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Class of 2020 Parade Tonight at 7:00 pm! Please join us to honor our seniors. Route starts at the MS parking lot - through Hammond to Roberts and back to Hammond - ending at the MS parking lot. Please adhere to state and local safety guidelines.
over 4 years ago, Kurt Soderberg
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
over 4 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
over 4 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
The 2020 SCC Scholarship & Awards Night presentation will premier at 7:00 pm tonight! You can catch the action on the St. Croix Central School District Facebook or Youtube pages. We love our seniors!
over 4 years ago, Kurt Soderberg