"Library Land During 20-21" on this week's PANTHERS IN LIBRARY LAND (Ms. Olson's library blog) https://panthersinlibraryland.blogspot.com/
over 4 years ago, Amanda Olson
library land during 20-21
Ms. Simone reads a story about coughing, sneezing and more. https://youtu.be/j7RokKZbq_k
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
Reminder: Open House, this Wednesday! Early Childhood - 4th Grade Students with last names A-F 12:00pm-2:00pm, G-L 2:00pm-4:00pm, M-R 4:00pm-6:00pm, S-Z 6:00pm-8:00pm. **Please try to limit one adult accompanying children in an effort to minimize the amount of people in the building and classrooms. **4K from Trinity are asked to stop at the Elementary School to get pictures taken!
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
Mr. Linsmeyer reads a story on how to greet friends and teachers at school! https://youtu.be/pvqVSRgYp2Q
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
Parent Pick Up/Drop Off Procedures - 2 locations this year at the Elementary School! 1. Parent Loop next to building for 4K-2nd Graders 2. Division Street along east sidewalk 3rd-4th Graders (& siblings of these older students) - use sidewalk to walk up to building **ALL students MUST get out curbside. Supervision will be at both locations to help students . VIDEO here to show you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufzel_aKtGg
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
Need Help with School Supplies? Visit the Hammond or Roberts Public Library this week for free school supplies!
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
Mrs. Clay reads a story about wearing masks to school! https://youtu.be/8YXlvfaQPm0
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
STUDENT REGISTRATION INFORMATION: We ask that all families complete the online paperwork regardless of whether they are new to the district or have attended here in the past. It is extremely important that you complete the online paperwork for each of your student(s) by August 25th. The purpose of this is to provide us with accurate, up to date information on your child’s plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Online registration is open now and will close on Tuesday, August 25th. Please be sure to answer all of the questions in the registration materials. If you have technical issues or do not feel comfortable utilizing our online registration please contact the building office. Video Tutorial Link: https://bit.ly/2PKjQ2J Link to Skyward to Complete Online Registration: https://bit.ly/30Q0QG6
over 4 years ago, SCC Website Manager
Online Registration
Mrs. Jacobs reads a story about going back to school! https://youtu.be/01cuOSxaqYM
over 4 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
Wrapping up an awesome two nights of 6th Grade Open House. So great to see families in the building again!
over 4 years ago, Pete Nusbaum
St. Croix Central Transportation Update and Survey. Please read and complete the survey as soon as possible. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hit4Js5a8XZddM_fDB2loPARlofq9eTS4fmScAFJF4Y/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Pete Nusbaum
Order forms for school pictures are online this year. The link below will take you to Cahill's main underclass gallery where you will have to choose the CORRECT school gallery to complete your orders. https://vando.imagequix.com/F9GER9J?keyword=underclass
over 4 years ago, SCC Website Manager
Cahill Photography
If you happen to have any SCC library items from last school year, please drop them off on open house day! Check your email for a list of what we would like back.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Olson
do you have library items to return
So awesome to see staff, students and parents in the building again! Great start to 5th Grade Open House!
over 4 years ago, Pete Nusbaum
Trial Bus Run - August 11th -- Please watch for the bus, morning and afternoon, to determine within 5 minutes of when the bus will be to your home!
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
2020/2021 Class Lists will be posted this Friday, August 7th on Family Access and the Elementary School front doors at 8:00am!
over 4 years ago, Shelly Clay
Class Lists
St. Croix Central School District 2020-21 Annual Newsletter: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/825747/2020-21_August.pdf
over 4 years ago, Makayla Jahns
A community Q&A forum regarding our school reopening plans has been scheduled for next Wednesday, August 5th at 7:00 p.m. It will be a virtual meeting. The community is welcome to join via Google Meet at meet.google.com/jjy-zrmc-myx for an interactive session or to watch/listen on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/stcroixcentralschooldistrict​ SCC school board members and administration will be available to listen, provide the latest information, and answer questions from community members.
over 4 years ago, Tim Widiker
We all know the economy is tough, and I’m trying to spread the word about a federal grocery benefit that a lot of people still haven’t claimed – and the deadline to apply is July 31 st ! Remember when schools closed down in the spring? Well, part of the federal government’s response was the creation of a program to help families replace the missed school meals during school closures. It’s called Pandemic-EBT (you can read about it here: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid- 19/forwardhealth-foodshare.htm), and each eligible child is issued up to $324 in benefits for the months of March-June. Many families got the benefit automatically – it was added to their FoodShare called called “QUEST.” Others have had EBT cards mailed out to them. But tens of thousands of kids haven’t gotten the benefit even though they are eligible. If your child would’ve received free or reduced-price meals when the schools closed down, they are eligible for this benefit! If you haven’t gotten it, you have to apply by July 31 st . You can apply here: https://bit.ly/P-EBT_APPLY But you can also email or call Matt Stienstra at Hunger Task Force in Milwaukee if you have questions. Matt.stienstra@hungertaskforce.org or 262-510-7528
over 4 years ago, Makayla Jahns
GRADUATION 2020!! TODAY at NOON. Go to the St. Croix Central District YouTube page to tune in… https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB&search_query=st.+croix+central+school+district We love our seniors!
over 4 years ago, High School Administration