Reminder for the upcoming Public Information Session on Wednesday, February 23rd at 6:00 p.m. at the High School Lecture Hall. Please join us!
Congratulations to our January and February Middle School Students of the Month - all are amazing Panther leaders!
Please see letter from Superintendent Widiker for more clarification on ESSER funds received by the school district and what those fund can be used for.
Please check out new information that will be arriving in mailboxes shortly and also available to review on the school district's website at:
2nd graders celebrated the 100th day of school today! They participated in many activities that all had to do with the number 100!
St. Croix Central is hiring a Virtual Administrative Assistant.
This position will provide support to St. Croix Central's Virtual Academy.
Please view details of the position and apply online at
Thanks to all who came out to support Jayden, Carson, and Devin yesterday evening. Best of luck to them as they pursue their athletic and academic goals at the next level.
Don’t miss out! The 2022 NCAA Division 1 Women’s Basketball National Championship trophy is coming to the Sempf!
Join us as the SCC Girls take on Osceola on Thursday, Feb 3 and get your picture taken with the trophy. 🏆 You’ll also have a chance to win prizes, including a grand prize of a VIP Experience to the Women's Final Four for 2 people when it comes to Minneapolis on April 1-3, 2022
Bring anyone that appreciates the power of sports and/or their impact on girls and women well beyond the field of competition.
The trophy will be in the commons from 6:45pm until just after halftime of the Varsity game.
Thank you to Kelly McNamara and the Final Four Local Organizing Committee for making this possible. #ourcircle
For more information on the Final Four in Minneapolis visit
Congratulations to our 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students of the month! They are great role models of responsibility!
What a great Monday morning surprise: an awesome student shouting it out loud for an awesome staff! 🥰
The Snowflake Dance at the Elementary was a huge hit! Thank you to the PPG for another wonderful event!
Good Evening, our JV and Varsity Girls' Basketball game against Medford that was scheduled to be played tomorrow (1/22) has been cancelled. Medford does not have enough players at this time to field a team.
2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students are enjoying learning how to roller skate in physical education. They even got Mrs. Jacobs on roller skates!
Here are our third and fourth grade students of the month for December! #sccproud
Congratulations to our kinder, first and second grade students of the month for showing acceptance in December! Way to go!
Congratulations to the November and December Middle School Students of the Month - keep up the great work!
Middle School Holiday Angels Celebration
A very fun filled Friday at SCC Elementary today - Gingerbread Houses with SOS students from the High School, Penny, our therapy dog visited, 4K Concerts, First Grade Holiday fun!
December 9, 2021
With property tax bills arriving in mailboxes this week, we have received some questions and comments and wanted to take this opportunity to provide factual information. School finance and funding is a very complex subject to understand. Please reach out with any questions you may have.
On October 18, 2021, the school board set the levy for the 2021-22 fiscal year. The mill rate remained the same as the 2020-21 fiscal year at $10.20 per $1,000 of equalized property value. This would cause property taxes to remain stable if all other factors remain the same. However, there are many variables affecting property taxes including the school district mill rate (determined by St. Croix Central School District), equalized values (determined by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue), and assessed values (determined by local tax assessor). Some taxpayers have received their 2021 property tax statements and are seeing increases up to 10%. Other taxpayers may see their taxes remain stable or possibly decrease.
These fluctuations are due to differences from year-to-year in your property’s equalized value – listed on your property tax statement as fair market value. The State of Wisconsin uses two methods of determining values. The assessed value is an estimate of value within a municipality and can be used to distribute taxes within a municipality. The fair market value or equalized value is used for the school district levy due to the district having multiple municipalities within the district’s boundaries. The levy must then be equalized among all taxpayers of the district to ensure that each taxpayer is paying the correct amount. Due to this equalizing, some taxpayers in the district may see an increase in their school portion of their property tax bill while others may remain the same or see a decrease.
If you would like further information, please click on this link ( which will take you to the district property tax informational webpage. If you have additional questions, please let us know.
Tim Widiker, Superintendent
Jennifer Kleschold, Business Manager
3rd and 4th grade students of the month! Thank you for always modeling cooperation!