Staff and students enjoyed breakfast together today in celebration of National School Breakfast Week!
The 4K Program is currently split between 2 locations. Classrooms are tight & lack storage. Trinity location doesn't have access to equal support services. Trinity also lacks security, gym, library & access to the breakfast program.
March 7-11 is National School Breakfast Week. Join us to kick off your day with a nutritious breakfast. Thank you school nutrition department for providing students with nutritious breakfasts to begin their days.
Today is National Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day. Please join the district in honoring our dedicated Maintenance Workers.
St. Croix Central School District has been named the Most Loved Community Organization by the Central St. Croix Chamber of Commerce. Thank you to the Chamber for this honor!
Students in Miss Wampfler’s 3rd grade class are reviewing branch’s of the government with a game of Jeopardy!
Making your voice known is important. If you're unable to get to your polling place on April 5th there are ways to vote absentee prior to voting day. Refer to our voting page for information on how to make sure your voice is heard.
I am very excited to announce that Holly Spoo has been honored and selected as the Middle Border Conference Girls' Basketball Coach of the Year! Thank you Holly for your leadership! This is a great honor and recognition for our entire team!
Devin Wasley took 2nd and Owen Wasley took 5th place at the state wrestling tournament this past weekend. Maverick Kostrzak (0-1) and Teague Holzer (1-2) also competed and represented us well. They have much to be proud of! Congrats to them, their families, and their coaches!!!
Family & Consumer Science has inadequate space for both culinary and sewing. 85% of students register for classes and only half can be admitted. Shift to commercial applications for students hoping to pursue careers in these areas.
Way to go 3rd and 4th grade students of the month for modeling what empathy looks like each day!
Congratulations to our K, 1st and 2nd grade students of the month!
Our Hawks Hockey team qualified for the WIAA State Tournament and will be playing St. Mary's Springs at 12:15 on Thursday. The winning team will play for the state title on Saturday morning at 9:30 am.
Tickets will be purchased through GoFan. Please see the following links for ticket help.
How to buy tickets:
Accessing and Sharing Tickets:
It's not too early to request an absentee ballot for the vote on April 5th. Remember, students who are away at college can vote too. To see if you are registered and to request an absentee ballot, visit My Vote Wisconsin at
Thank you to all who came out last night to learn more about the referendum. We received a lot of good questions and feedback from the community. Don't forget there will be another on March 21st if you were unable to attend last night's.
We are currently hiring for various positions within the school district. Please visit WeCAN to browse our current availability and to apply.
Our first public information session regarding the April 5th referendum is tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Lecture Hall. There will be a brief presentation, a tour of areas in need of improvements, as well as time for you to have questions answered. Please join us!
Updated schedules for tonight's events:
Girls Basketball will be played 2/23 at 7 pm in Somerset
Boys Basketball vs. Hudson is cancelled and will not be rescheduled
Boys Hockey will be played 2/23 at 7 pm in Baldwin
Girls Hockey will be played 2/23 at 7 pm in River Falls
St. Croix Central School District is closed today due to the forecasted winter storm. Kids CARE is also closed and there will be no after-school activities today. Be Safe.
School Bus Driver Appreciation Week was February 14-18, 2022. St. Croix Central School District would like to show its appreciation to all of our drivers for the wonderful job that they do getting our students safely to and from school everyday.