Athletics on December 23rd
Reminder that there will be no school from Monday, December 25th through Monday, January 1st. SCC would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday break. School will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd.
Congratulations to this week's kindness kids!
Kendall Sundby--RSchool Today-WSN WisSports Athlete of the Week!
Athletics on December 21st
SCC is seeking a Full Time Buildings Supervisor. To find out more about this position and to apply please visit WECAN at
Great job to our Elementary students on their Sing Along Concerts this past week. We hope you all enjoyed these programs!
Reminder to keep voting for SCC's own Kendall Sundby for the rSchoolToday Athlete of the Week on Vote here:
Tonight the Elementary School will host their second Sing Along Concert! Please join our students tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the SCC High School Auditorium.
Friendly reminder that tomorrow, December 20th, is a late start at the high school. Last late start of 2023!!
Athletics on December 19th
Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. DuMond are great Art Teachers and Amazing Artists. I hope you got out to see their work!
High school Counselors hosting Junior Parent Night! Sharing great info!!
SCC's own Kendall Sundby has been nominated for the rSchoolToday Athlete of the Week on Let's help her pull in another win!! Vote here:
Reminder to Seniors and their parents that pictures are due for the yearbook by December 22nd.
Join the Counseling Department in the Auditorium tonight for a Junior Parent Night. The presentation will be recorded and posted to the counseling web page for those who are unable to attend.
Congratulations to these incredibly deserving Middle School Students of the Month for November and December!
Another busy weekend of athletics! Good luck athletes!!
The Elementary School will host their 4K Concerts today! Please join our students at 9:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. at the SCC Elementary School.
Tonight the Elementary School will host their first Sing Along Concert! Please join our students tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the SCC High School Auditorium.