REMINDER: The public school open enrollment period is now open through April 30th at 4:00 p.m. Apply to St. Croix Virtual Academy now at!
28 days ago, St. Croix Central
Public School Open Enrollment is Now Open! February 3rd-April 30th @ 4:00 p.m.
Reminder that there will be no school from December 23rd through January 1st, with students returning to their classes on January 2nd. St. Croix Virtual Academy wishes our students, staff and their families a safe and happy holiday!
2 months ago, St. Croix Central
Winter Break 2024
October 5th is World Teachers Day! The theme for 2024 is “Valuing teachers’ voices: towards a new social contract for education”. This theme reminds us of the passion teachers bring to their profession daily, doing everything it takes to positively impact their students’ lives. SCC would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our very passionate teachers who put our SCC students first in everything that they do, every day! You are all appreciated!!
5 months ago, St. Croix Central
World Teachers Day 2024
October is National School Principal Month! SCC would like to kick off the month by recognizing the St. Croix Virtual Academy Principal, Stephani Posta. Thank you for all of your efforts in putting SCVA students first, you are appreciated!
5 months ago, St. Croix Central
National Principal Month 2024
Save the Date! Open House is scheduled for all school buildings Thursday, August 29th from 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. The Back to School Newsletter will be arriving in all community mailboxes soon or can be viewed online at or via the link on each school building's page. We are looking forward to the start of another fantastic year at SCC!
7 months ago, St. Croix Central
2024-25 Back to School
SCC wishes everyone in Panther Country a safe and happy July 4th!
8 months ago, St. Croix Central
Happy 4th of July!!
We are looking for your feedback to continue to improve our students' experiences at SCC. Please don't forget to provide your feedback on our Parent Satisfaction Survey!
10 months ago, St. Croix Central
2024 Parent Satisfaction Survey
Today is the day! Join us tonight as we host a Mental Health Symposium at the High School. Area mental health professionals will tackle the topic Supporting Young Minds: Understanding Mental Health in Emerging Adults. See you at 5:30!
10 months ago, St. Croix Central
Mental Health Symposium - May 1, 2024
Reminder that SCC High School will be hosting a Mental Health Symposium next week. This event is free and open to the public. Please plan on attending to hear important information from mental health professionals on this important topic.
10 months ago, St. Croix Central
Mental Health Symposium - May 1, 2024
Save the Date: St. Croix Central will be hosting a Mental Health Symposium - Supporting Young Minds: Understanding Mental Health in Emerging Adults at the High School on May 1st. The event is free and open to the public. Please plan to join us!
11 months ago, St. Croix Central
Mental Health Symposium - May 1, 2024
Reminder that the Book Fair is open to order online or in person during parent teacher conferences. It's a great time to stock up for summer reading!
11 months ago, St. Croix Central
Book Fair - April 2024
Paraprofessionals, or paras, do a little of everything in schools. They support classes, are assigned to specific students in special education, support the general running of the school, and help supervise students. Paraprofessional Appreciation Day is a chance to put them in the spotlight and recognize the dedication they bring to students each day. Thank you to all of our paraprofessionals for your dedication to our students! We appreciate the hard work that you all do every day!
11 months ago, St. Croix Central
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
The Mountain Movers Unified Ski Team had a successful day at Granite Peak on Saturday! Lots of medals, smiles, and also lots of pride! Every single athlete and their partner crossed the finish line with smiles on their faces and hands in the air with loud cheers from the crowd. A lot of memories were made (and some history, too)! HUGE shout out to the adaptive instructors at Trollhaugen for making our team's dreams come true! (Also a huge shout out to Hayley, Rachel & Jill for teaching our students inclusion and making this team a reality!!)
about 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Mountain Movers State Competition
Mountain Movers State Competition
Good luck to our Varsity Rocket League Esports Team this afternoon as they face the Jefferson Eagles in their first round of playoffs! You can watch their match at
about 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Varsity Rocket League Playoffs
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: A champion for justice, he led with unwavering determination, inspiring change and fostering unity, leaving an indelible mark on history. On Martin Luther King Jr. Day people gather to celebrate the work he did and the people he elevated through steady, peaceful protests and activism. Children celebrate in schools by learning more about Dr. King and his passions, keeping the flame alive in the fight for equality, justice and freedom for all people.
about 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
MLK Jr Day
January 15th is Elementary School Teacher Day! Elementary teachers are often the first educators in our lives who kindle the knack of learning in us. Please join us in thanking all of our elementary school teachers today!
about 1 year ago, Staci Paschke
Elementary School Teacher Day 2024
The School District of River Falls is thrilled to extend a warm invitation to area schools to attend their upcoming 2024 Western WI College and Career Fair, an exciting event designed to empower students with valuable insights and opportunities for their post-secondary journey.
about 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Western WI College & Career Fair
Reminder that there will be no school from Monday, December 25th through Monday, January 1st. SCC would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday break. School will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd.
about 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Winter Break 2023 - December 25-January 1
SCC is seeking a Full Time Buildings Supervisor. To find out more about this position and to apply please visit WECAN at
about 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Buildings Supervisor Opening
Reminder to keep voting for SCC's own Kendall Sundby for the rSchoolToday Athlete of the Week on Vote here:
about 1 year ago, St. Croix Central
Athlete of the Week - Kendall Sundby