We are wrapping up the end of the year here in Library Land. Part of that means we would like to get as many books returned as possible.
Please drop off any SCC elementary library books on June 4th from 9:30-noon in the front loop. There will be staff members there to collect them from you as you drive around. There is also a cart in the secure front entrance where library books can be returned any weekday from 8am-3pm.
We encourage you to drop off books at the school they came from as this makes the entire process more efficient. However, if that isn't possible please drop them off at whichever building you can.
Our online resources will continue to be available 24/7 throughout the summer. You can read our ebooks and listen to digital audiobooks via Destiny Discover, watch a TumbleBook, learn something new on one of the Flix databases, or use any of the other SCC and Badgerlink resources to grow, learn, and entertain yourself.
If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to email me at aolson[at]scc.k12.wi.us. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine!