SCC High School Graduation Parade!! We will honor the SCC Class of 2020 on Friday, May 22, 2020 beginning at 7:00 pm. Follow this link for details: We love our seniors!
almost 5 years ago, Kurt Soderberg
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
SCC Middle School is searching for talented staff and students to participate in the upcoming virtual talent show! More info can be found here! Can't Wait!!!!
almost 5 years ago, Pete Nusbaum
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Happy Staff Appreciation Day! We love our SCC educators and all of you that have had to become educators to our kids! #pantherstrong💙
almost 5 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
Charter Seniors
We Love Our Seniors! #2020
almost 5 years ago, Stephani Posta
2020 Charter Seniors
2020 Charter Seniors
2020 Charter Seniors
Well, our “couple-minute” message ran just a bit longer than that ;-) Enjoy: Miss you all! SCC MS Staff
almost 5 years ago, Chance Langeness
Thank you to those that came out and helped with Pick Up/Drop Off day at the Elementary! It was a “Bucket Filling” kind of day!
almost 5 years ago, Shelly Clay
Thank you
Thank yiu
The crew
Reminder tomorrow is pick up and drop off day at the Elementary School between 10:00-12:00pm 4K, K, 1 - Front Loop 2,3,4 - Back Parking Lot Loop Have a sign with child’s name, grade and teacher. Bring any library books and finished work!
almost 5 years ago, Shelly Clay
**Bring library books, completed work folders or any other items you'd like dropped off to the Elementary School on Friday that you are done with - we will collect it! If you don't have anything to return that's okay too. We will have another drop off day late May.
almost 5 years ago, Shelly Clay
Elementary Student Material Pick Up/Drop Off: Friday, April 24th anytime between 10:am-12:00pm. 4K (including Trinity), K, 1 - Front Loop. 2nd, 3rd, 4th - Back Parking Lot. Please stay in your car - have a sign with child name, grade, homeroom teacher - open trunk/backend.
almost 5 years ago, Shelly Clay
SCC Parents, Students and Staff: Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for you flexibility, resiliency and care. Our incredible SCC community culture and everything we stand for has really been showcased through these unique times. You are amazing!
almost 5 years ago, Tim Widiker
We Appreciate You