Mr. Jourdeans’ 10th-grade Honors English class studying ”Mindset” by Dr. Carol Dweck
over 6 years ago, Kurt Soderberg
Mindset matters!
SCC will be utilizing Nutrislice to offer more nutritional information for families about our breakfast and lunch offerings. Get the Nutrislice app or print menus to stay up to date! Learn how to print menus by watching this video:
over 6 years ago, SCC Website Manager
”Oh what a beautiful morning”
over 6 years ago, Kurt Soderberg
Ms. Wollberg and Mrs. Stansbury
Lady Panthers @ Pheasant Hills today!
over 6 years ago, SCC Athletics
Coach Kimberly gives advice on 18
8th grade Panthers with the TD and the 2 point conversion! Score as we approach halftime: SCC 8, Amery 0
over 6 years ago, Chance Langeness
Mr. Larson and Mr. Larson with the TD call
Students at the elementary having teach-to’s for the bus so we all know expectations for a safe bus ride!
over 6 years ago, Lindsay Jacobs
Bus Teach-to’s
Bus Teach-to’s
Bus Teach-to’s
Day One Panther 101 Orientation for our new HS students!
over 6 years ago, Jason Koele
Group gathering
The human knot activity
Group cheers!
JV and C football games have been cancelled. Practice after school.
over 6 years ago, SCC Athletics
MS staff and students ramping up for what is certain to be an amazing 2018-2019 school year!
over 6 years ago, Chance Langeness
Staff greeting arriving students
Officer Coltrain transporting one lucky student to his first day of school!
MS Kickoff Assembly
Tonight’s football game vs Ellsworth will start at 6:00pm due to incoming forecasted weather.
over 6 years ago, SCC Athletics
Congrats to the boys’ and girls’ cross country teams on their 1st place finishes in their home/season opener. #sccspirit
over 6 years ago, High School Administration
Top 5
Top 5!
SCC CC Home Meet 2018
over 6 years ago, SCC Athletics
Leading the pack!
The start
Thank you to the 253 people that responded to our Open House feedback form. Your responses will be used to make the Open House experience even better district-wide next year.
over 6 years ago, Tim Widiker
Our students (Elem through HS) congratulating the opponent as they leave the field.  CLASSY! Panther Pride.
over 6 years ago, Tim Widiker
SCC Sportsmanship
With the fall sports season upon us, we wanted to remind everyone that all #sccspirit football games & all home volleyball matches will be streamed. Cross country will not as our broadcaster isn’t as fast as our students! Our goal as always will be to bring you all playoff games. All sports will be streamed on YouTube Live via the SCC YouTube channel available at . Streams should show up near the top of the channel page. There may be some growing pains as we figure out how to best bring the streams to YouTube. Go subscribe now so you can be notified when a stream is upcoming! Please SHARE this change with family and friends as we will be up and running this Friday as the football team takes on Durand at home! If you have any questions, please comment below or email me at bmillar[at]
over 6 years ago, SCC Website Manager
School Calendar Change! The Staff PD Day originally scheduled for September 21st day has been moved to Friday, October 5th. See the updated calendar here:
over 6 years ago, Tim Widiker
Lots of exciting things are happening at #sccspirit. Be sure you don't miss a post on our Facebook page by setting up "see first". Learn how!
over 6 years ago, SCC Website Manager
Be sure to stop by the Hudson Chipotle TODAY, 4-8pm, to support the #sccspirit Boys Basketball team!
over 6 years ago, SCC Website Manager
chipotle boys basketball fundraiser
Get a tour of our new website with some tips about where things are located! #sccspirit
over 6 years ago, SCC Website Manager