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Kristi Schmidt
MS Math Interventionist
Middle School
715-796-2256, ext. 2103
Michelle Schmitt
Middle School Choral & General Music Teacher
Middle School
715-796-2256, ext. 2142
Becky Sundeen
Middle School Physical Education and Health Teacher
Middle School
715-796-2256, ext. 2256
Katie Tate
6th Grade Math Teacher
Middle School
715-796-2256, ext. 2253
Sara Turner
MS/HS Spanish Teacher & Behavior Interventionist
Middle School
715-796-5383, ext. 1176
Joey Wakeen
Cook - Middle School
Middle School
715-796-2256, ext. 2125
Sara Wasley
5th Grade Math Teacher
Middle School
715-796-2256, ext. 2373