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Alicia Rutten
High School Paraprofessional
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1136
Jennifer Staidl
High School Special Education Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1135
Camilla Stansbury
High School Language Arts Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1129
Amy Stevens
High School Art Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1137
Chloe Summerfield
High School Special Education Teacher
High School
Teresa Swoboda
Housekeeping - High School
High School
John Tackmann
High School Science Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1143
Emily Timmers
High School Language Arts Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1134
Shelly Tollefson
Lead Cook - High School
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1111
Zachary Trenary
High School Social Studies Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1128
Jeanette Turbeville
High School Paraprofessional
High School
715-749-5383, ext. 1135
Sara Turner
MS/HS Spanish Teacher & Behavior Interventionist
Middle School
715-796-5383, ext. 1176
Roseanne Voelker
High School Math Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1114
Gail Weninger
High School Paraprofessional
715-796-5383, ext. 1123
Garret Wenzel
High School Technology Education Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1144
Heather Wester
High School Administrative Assistant
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1154
Jerry Wold
Head Custodian - High School
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1147
Danielle Wollberg
High School Spanish Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1115
Justin Yaron
High School Math Teacher
High School
715-796-5383, ext. 1140
Maria Yavorska
Housekeeping - High School
High School