Shall the School Board of the Saint Croix Central School District be authorized to exceed the revenue limit under Section 121.91 of the Wisconsin Statutes on a recurring basis over a period of ten years commencing with the 2022-23 school year as follows: $1,350,000 in the 2022-23 school year and $375,000 in each of the 2023-24 through 2031-32 school years aggregating total recurring revenue cap relief of $4,725,000 in the 2031-32 school year and thereafter for the purpose of paying the costs of maintaining competitive staff compensation, technology and other District operating expenses as provided in the foregoing resolution?
Salary Adjustments
SCC is benchmarking all staff salaries against 12 local competitors (benchmarked districts: Amery, Baldwin-Woodville, Ellsworth, Glenwood City, Hudson, Menomonie Area, New Richmond, Osceola, Prescott, River Falls, Somerset, and Spring Valley)
SCC is asking for the average (100%) of those benchmarked schools
SCC would complete salary adjustments. Those staff being compensated below average, would receive an increase. Those staff not below average, would not.
SCC views this as an investment to attract and retain the highest possible quality staff because we believe our kids deserve high quality educators.
SCC views all staff as educators.
Today's market for attracting and retaining quality staff is very competitive. SCC needs to be up to par with its competition.
Maintain technology needs and other operating expenses
BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of the Saint Croix Central School District, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, that there shall be issued, pursuant to Chapter 67, Wisconsin Statutes, General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $30,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs of improvements to the High School including a career and technical education addition, classroom renovations, increased parking capacity and site access; constructing and equipping a K4 addition and related improvements at the Elementary School and acquisition of land adjacent to the Elementary School; reconstructing the track, installing synthetic turf and expanding bleacher capacity at the High School athletic field; heating, ventilating and air conditioning upgrades at all district school buildings; replacing and enhancing classroom technology, sound systems and security systems; and installing a backup generator at the Middle School.
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Expansion - $12.3 million
Create a place for students to gain real world experience within their industry and to interact with other industries.
Provide students with the opportunity to understand the process of design and production.
Provide students with the opportunity to make and sell products for their classes.
Profit will, in turn, go back into funding these programs.
Design & Manufacturing
expanded wood shop
expanded metal shop
expanded auto shop
CAD/graphics lab
expanded greenhouse
animal lab
food science lab
fabric production
business lab
video production
commercial kitchen lab
storage and refrigeration
![High School Proposed Design](
Shared space
CTE classrooms
CTE store
4K Program - $2.8 million
Addition of 4 classrooms
Additional storage area
Addition of resource space
Addition of a 4K playground
![Elementary Proposed](
Track & Field Correction of Immediate Needs - $2.8 million (only 9% of total spend)
Track reconstruction
Addition of artificial turf
Bleacher repair & expansion
Turf field used for marching band, physical education, dance and cheer, softball, baseball, boys and girls soccer and football
HVAC Upgrades - $2 million
In the previous referendum, the maintenance of the HVAC systems did not replace entire systems. Currently some parts are discontinued and new mechanical parts do not work as well with the old control systems/software. In the current plan, the HVAC control systems would all be upgraded.
School Technology & Security - $1.3 million
Under this plan, the school would update all classroom audio and interactive whiteboard equipment, add digital signage to all facilities, add cellular boosters which would help with security and in emergency situations, add more digital monitoring security and expand existing security systems.
What will this cost?