Open Enrollment Information

What is Public School Open Enrollment?
Wisconsin's inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they live.

Important Open Enrollment Dates

February 3 - April 30, 2025 @ 4:00 p.m. – Parents must submit applications online or directly to the nonresident school district.

June 6, 2025 – Nonresident school districts must send notices of approval or denial. If the application is approved, the school district must notify the parents of the specific school or program to which the student is assigned. If the application is denied, parents have 30 days to file an appeal.

June 13, 2025 – Resident districts must notify applicants if the application is denied. If the application is denied, parents have 30 days to file an appeal.

June 27, 2025 – Parents of accepted applicants must notify the nonresident district if the student will attend the nonresident district in the 2025-26 school year. If the parent fails to make this notification, the nonresident district may refuse to allow the student to attend the district.

For more information or a paper application, please contact Abigail Welch, Open Enrollment Coordinator, St. Croix Central School District at 715-796-4500, ext. 3380 or email at

Complete Open Enrollment application directions are included on the DPI website link. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction can be reached toll-free at 1-888-245-2732.

Applying for an Exception to the Open Enrollment Application Period

What is an exception to the open enrollment application period?
Parents normally apply for open enrollment for the following school year during a three-month application period which begins in February and ends on the last weekday in April. However, 2011 Act 114 established a procedure by which parents may apply for open enrollment outside of the regular application period.

Under what circumstances may parents apply for an exception?
There are seven circumstances under which a parent may apply for an exception:

  • The student's resident school district determines that the student is a victim of a violent crime.

  • The student is or has been homeless in the current or preceding school year.

  • The student has been the victim of repeated bullying or harassment that has been reported to the resident school district and continues in spite of action taken.

  • The student's place of residence has changed due to the parent's military orders.

  • The student moved into this state within the past 30 days.

  • The student's place of residence has changed as a result of a court order or custody agreement, or the student was placed in a foster home or with a person other than the student's parent, or removed from a foster home or the home of a person other than the student's parent.

  • The student's parents and the nonresident and resident school districts agree that attending the nonresident school district is in the best interests of the student.

For more information, including an Exceptions Application form, please click here.

If you need more information, please contact Abigail Welch, Open Enrollment Coordinator, St. Croix Central School District at 715-796-4500, ext. 3380 or email at