District News & Data

Posted below are the quick and full summary report cards for each of our buildings. We have also provided below some additional resources we hope you find helpful. Additional school accountability information is available at https://dpi.wi.gov/accountability
Report cards for all Wisconsin Schools are available at https://dpi.wi.gov/accountability/report-cards
In compliance with Act 55, the St. Croix Central School District is required to notify parents and guardians about the school district’s accountability report.
Wisconsin District and School Performance Reports
From DPI: "Each year, DPI provides public performance reports for all public schools and districts in Wisconsin. The reports each address sections of state or federal reporting requirements. All reports-and the many and varied indicators contained within-should be considered when reviewing a school or district’s annual progress. While some of the same data appears in multiple reports, each serves a distinct purpose under state and federal education laws. For additional information on a school or district, see the WISEdash Public Portal."
Non-Discrimination Self-Evaluation Report:
In compliance with S.118.13, Wis Stats., and PI 9.06, Wisconsin Administrative Code, the St. Croix Central School District conducted a self-evaluation of the status of pupil nondiscrimination and equality of educational opportunities. This review will be reviewed by the school board on January 24, 2024.
Pupil Non-Discrimination Self-Evaluation Report
SCC District Boundary Map:
SCC Video:
View this video to get a feel for the St Croix Central School District.