Welcome to the Middle School Counseling page

The SCC Middle School Counseling Program is designed to support students in the following three areas:

  • Academically

  • Emotionally/Socially

  • Career Planning

Our goal here at the middle school is to foster a positive experience for all students and they are prepared to be successful in our changing world.

Alyssa Fritsche

Alyssa Fritsche

Middle School Counselor for last names L-Z

Chris Jardine

Chris Jardine

Middle School Counselor for last names A-K

As Middle School Counselors, We believe that every young adolescent…

  • has the capacity to learn, grow, and develop into a knowledgeable, reflective, caring, ethical, and contributing citizen.

  • must have access to the very best programs and practices a school can offer.

  • deserves educators who are prepared to work with this age group and who are themselves lifelong learners.

  • thrives academically, socially, and emotionally in a learning environment where trust and respect are paramount and where family and community are actively involved.

  • faces significant life choices and needs support in making wise and healthy decisions.

Therefore, we proudly dedicate ourselves to becoming the best educators and counselors that we can be and an active advocate for ALL young adolescents.