
Contact Us:

Director: Carrie Kirchoff


Phone: 715-245-7603

Central Kids CARE

Central Kids CARE is a child care program for school age students Kindergarten through 4th grade serving families at St Croix Central Elementary School.  We also provide care for 4K students enrolled in 4K classes at SCC Elementary. In Kids CARE... Your child is cared about. Our vision for this program is for Kids CARE to be a safe, engaging, enjoyable place for your child to be. A place where they can learn, grow, have fun and have a sense of belonging. It is our hope that when the day is done, and your children go home, they feel happy and proud, eager to express the happenings of their day to you. We feel privileged to have the opportunity to spend our days seeing the world through the eyes of a child, creating and fostering experiences for them.  We believe in strong relationships with the children and families we work with and we look forward to continuing to make Kids CARE a positive part of your lives.

Summer Kids CARE Camp Information:

We are looking forward to our Kids Care Summer Camp! Registration for summer camp is now open for enrollment. If you would like to register, please fill out the registration form. For this summer, we made it flexible for families, so you can pick and choose what days you need care for and you will be charged based on those days that are selected per week. Our registration fee is $40/per student. The registration fee must be sent with the registration form to guarantee your spot for the summer. If you are new to our summer camp, additional registration forms will be needed. Please note that the age for enrollment for our summer camp is 5 years old to children entering into 4th grade.