Students who are in good academic standing will have the opportunity to enroll in college classes at local post secondary institutions via the Early College Credit Program. Classes will be paid for by the SCC School District for each class a student passes. Early College Credit students will receive both high school and college credit for courses successfully completed.
Students are required to fill out an Early College Credit Form and have it turned into Mrs. Klein in the counseling center by March 1st for students interested in Fall Semester Courses or October 1st for students interested in Spring Semester Courses. Students must apply for each semester they are interested in attending.
SCC will pay up to a total of 18 college credits. After 18, the student is responsible to pay for the remaining credits. Below are links to Early College Credit Resources.
UW System Schools
Available for students in grades 9-12
Must fill out UW System Application
Must fill out Application for Admission at UW School in which you plan to attend
Technical Colleges
Available for students in grades 11 and 12
Must fill out Start College Now Application